My baby turned 14 on Mother's Day. She is a SpongeBob fan and so we made a simple two layer (yes, from a box, yes with store bought frosting, who are we kidding here) chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting tinted blue. We cut SpongeBob for the top and Patrick and the pineapple for the sides. We also cut Sandy, but broke her trying to move her and I was too tired by then to roll and cut another one. We also cut a few pieces of seaweed for the sides.
All in all, for a first attempt I think it turned out ok.

Taylor, my 15 yr old, decided she needed a cake too, so she used the Hanna Montana cartridge to cut a guitar, then she decided instead of doing the second layer, she'd just paint the strings on with black food coloring. We cut her nickname out of one of the cake cartridges, sorry I don't remember which one.

I had a demo on Mother's Day at Michael's so here is a shot of the demo cake that I did.
Happy Scrapping!