Welcome to the Red, White, Kaboom! Blog Hop! Happy 4th of July! We hope you are having a great holiday and thanks for spending a little time with us today. You should have come from Lori at http://scrappinmystressaway.blogspot.com. If not, go back and
start the hop at Alicia's blog. We hope you enjoy our creative efforts we have to share today. Enjoy your holiday!
Today I've down two layouts for you. The first layout is of last years Fourth of July Parade, my youngest daugther was in between her junior & senior years in highschool. She has now graduated and is anxiously waiting for August 16th, when she leaves for band camp and to move in at college.
This second layout is from when the girls were so little, 1996, and the Summer Olympic torch came through town. My wonderful mother-in-law bought the girls these USA track suits and hubby had a photo shoot with them and their Cabbage Patch dolls in matching USA Olympic outfits.
I hope you enjoyed the layouts and today's blog hop. God Bless the U.S.A.
Here's some blog candy from Alicia at Golden Goddess Designs for one lucky winner!
The rules:
Become a follower of every blog in the hop.
Leave a comment on every blog in the hop.
Easy peasy! Do this before midnight EST on Sunday, July 6 and Alicia will pick a winner using random.org from those that qualify. Winner will be announced on Wednesday, July 9 on her blog.
Next up is Angela at www.crazy3monkeys.blogspot.com
Here's the entire list in case you get lost along the way:
1. Alicia ~ www.goldengoddessdesigns.blogspot.com
2. Connie ~ http://www.conniecancrop.blogspot.com/
4. Theresa - http://scrapsbygracie.blogspot.com/
5. Angela - www.crazy3monkeys.blogspot.com
6. Anne - http://www.MyArtisticHeart.wordpress.com
7. Ashley W - http://marinewifesscrappinlife.blogspot.com
Thanks for hopping with us today!